Somatics as Spiritual Exercise
You are invited to participate in a monthly Somatic as Spiritual Exercise event - occurring on the first Sunday of each month.
During this two-hour online meeting, participants we will explore together somatic practices as a spiritual resource for personal and social transformation.
Somatic Spiritual Exercise (SSE) Integrates somatic movement practices with divergent spiritual teachings from wisdom traditions, including philosophy, Eastern Spiritual teachings, and Hasidism in relation with contemporary neuroscience understanding. Spiritual resources include writings from Pierre Hadot, Henri Bergson, Gurdjieff, Pinchas of Koretz and the Baal Shem Tov.
Each SSE session consists of an introductory lecture on a specific theme in relation with a somatic movement lesson - drawing from diverse intellectual resources, including philosophy, psychology, neurobiology, and faith-based traditions - and group discussion.
“These [spiritual] exercises in fact correspond to a transformation of our vision of the world, and to a metamorphosis of our personality.”
Pierre Hadot, Philosophy as a Way of Life.​

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Perception of divine or unseen support
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Seeing the bigger picture of your gift to the world