The Feldenkrais Method® developed by Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais is a unique somatic practice emphasizing moving with awareness as a key means of accessing
& influencing neural function. The Feldenkrais Method® provides a powerful practical means of
brain integration in daily life.
Feldenkrais at SomaticWell
The Feldenkrais Method provides the foundational somatic movement educational practice provided at the SomaticWell Center. Feldenkrais lessons may be provided independently or together with other therapeutic modalities, such as the Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP).
SomaticWell specializes in applying Feldenkrais & Play for helping infants and children with neurodevelopmental conditions, especially autism, develop their inner potential.
Our therapeutic approach focuses on applying the Feldenkrais Method® for integrating brain function,
promoting Neural Plasticity and balancing the
Autonomic Nervous System for optimal health.
The two applications of the Feldenkrais Method – group Awareness through Movement (ATM)® lessons,
and individual Functional Integration (FI)®
sessions – are available at SomaticWell.
Weekly Online ATM Lessons
Tuesday: 10:00-11:00 (Jerusalem time)

Interested in participating in a weekly Awareness Through Movement (ATM) Feldenkrais lesson or scheduling a private FI session?
Email: DrHillel@somaticwell.com
Braude, H. D. (2016). Between psychology and philosophy:
© 2005, Rosalie O'Connor.
Used with permission of the Feldenkrais Guild® of North America.