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Mans - Sweden

For me, NSV has been the first approach that combines development of embodied knowledge, enlightening discursivity and spiritual insights.


By recognizing these resources in my self, I can recognize

them in others, and develop more profound connections and ways to empathy. Overall, the NSV has been a sanctuary in every day life for returning to my most genuine motivations and exploring uncharted territories of the self with others.

Debora - Israel

The lessons for me were unique breaks in spacetime

dedicated to inquiring into the nature of our experience,

both perceptually and conceptually.


I absolutely enjoyed the sharing and discussion with

the members of the group as well as learning from Hillel’s guidance. I am thankful for these sessions from which I take the insights with me to other experiences and thoughts.

Wendy - USA

I looked forward to every NSV class on time consciousness.

I enjoyed the vividly different and interesting responses from each far-flung member of the class: I loved the Feldenkrais lessons which never cease to surprise and interest me: and I felt safe and intellectually stimulated by Hillel’s gentle,

clear, articulate leadership.


He invited us to increase our consciousness of our experience of time, and introduced us to a range of philosophical and psychological ways of thinking about our experience of time.

I liked that each class was intriguing, open-ended, participatory, and fresh.

Ruth - Israel

I worked with Dr. Hillel both individual work and in group sessions. Individually he treated me using the Feldenkrais and SSP methods. In the group sessions Dr. Hillel instructed us using the ATM method he developed.


I come from a difficult background of serious physical problems, which in retrospect made me realize how much their source is mental. Various treatments and therapies I have undergone for years did not help. As they say:

the operations were successful, but the patient died.

Working with Dr. Hillel was the beginning of the way to create a new life. I will not write "healing" - since there are things that cannot be healed, such as loss, but it is possible to build a creative and meaningful life. Working with Dr. Hillel is somatic, but through the body you reach the soul.

Dr. Hillel is very gentle, accepting, listening.


He is not afraid to be with his patient in a person-to-person relationship. He creates for his patient an envelope of compassion, a sincere desire to help and empathy.


In connection with Dr. Hillel was also important to me for

his intellectual background, his philosophical and research training, which strengthen and "thicken" and give a general meaning and context to the treatments.


The Feldenkrais method and the SSP method both work directly on the nervous system and help regulate it.

The SSP method helps the nervous system to relax,

to step a bit out of the fight-flight mode, and to open up.

The Feldenkrais method relaxes the body and teaches it

new ways of movement, learning and thinking.

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